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السبت، 2 يونيو 2012

Action Research: Employment of Modern Technologies in the Field of Educational Technology (Students)

The employments of educational technology innovations in the teaching of important issues, and contemporary, have realized that the destiny of nations depends on the creativity of its people, and the extent of their challenge to the problems of change and its demands. Education occupies a prominent position within the framework of societal transformation, and that education is one of the most important pillars covered by the change and renewal.
It could be argued that the success of recruitment technology education innovations in teaching depends on the degree of ownership parameter of the knowledge and skills necessary for the use of educational technology innovations and how to deal with it. Primarily this leads to affect the students learning.

Research Area
The employment of modern technology methods in the field of educational technology , as well as to identify the efficiency of the student to benefit from this modern means of education and its impact in raising the level of absorption of the student and his involvement in the educational process.

Research Objective
This research aims to participate students from many different schools and levels in a questionnaire to find out about their IT knowledge in general and how does IT effect in their learning at home and inside school, also needs to know their awareness about technologies and how they get benefit from it. In the other hand we wanted to know what kind of technologies those are available at home and how often the students are using them either at home or in school, also students' ability in using such technologies.

Data collection method
The questionnaire was designed during the second semester of the academic year (March to May 2012). At the first, we met together to discuss the purpose and the objectives of the questionnaire. Also to agree on the content of the questions raised by this questionnaire, this concentrated on the use of modern technology in the field of educational technology for students in particular.
Then we move directly to the design phase of the questionnaire, which includes a special section for the personal information, 21 multiple choice questions and three essay questions. Generally, the questionnaire questions focused on how the students' able to deal with and take advantage of modern methods in the educational process and how is the use of modern methods in the learning process helps them to raise the level of understanding and their involvement in the educational process.
After agreeing on the content of the questionnaire and auditing it, we made an electronic copy of the questionnaire using Google Forms as well as printed copies. To move to the stage of distribution, we distributed the questionnaire to a number of girls and boys schools in different areas (will be clarified later), after we took the approval of the course coordinator. At the beginning we clarified the aim of the questionnaire for the students and this will have no implication on their grades. They have been assured that the information they gave for the purpose of the research will be used only for the course improvement and that it will be kept safely.
The questionnaire distribution process was by giving the students hard copies of the questionnaire or by the use of electronic versions for the students who receive lessons in the computer labs. Electronic responses are received by e-mail and the printed responses are collected and converted into electronic versions for ease of analysis and discussion.
Finally, after collecting the questionnaire data, we distributed the tasks among the group members to begin the process of analysis and processing for the final report. On the other hand, we faced some difficulties which are the difficulty of distributing the questionnaire to the boys' schools, also they were not commitment and not cooperative in collecting and sending the questionnaire responses.

Time scale
We distributed the questionnaire for the students at the end for March 2012. Then we collected the feedback and analyzed it. Finally after collecting our findings and results we reflected on the results and summary our recommendations by the end of May 2012.

Group Members

Rawan Alomary      20052892
Reem Alnoaimi        20115111
Noora Alsubaie       20115109
Nafeesa Buzaid       20030208
  Seham Salem        19992029
Ebtesam Salem       20115190
Muna Ali                20115185
Section (3)

الجمعة، 1 يونيو 2012

موقع تعلم الفيزياء معنا

تعلم الفيزياء معنا


يتيح لك هذا الموقع قناة ووسيلة مساندة جديدة لتعلم دروس مقرر الفيزياء 1 (فيز 102) لطلاب الثانوي، حيث يتناول موضوعات الصف الأول ثانوي المقررة في مدارس البحرين والتي يمكن التعرف عليها من صفحة المحتوى.


صورة للموقع

وصلة الموقع


تم حجب محتويات الموقع للعامة لأسباب خاصة، وتم إتاحتها لمنتسبي كلية البحرين للمعلمين فقط. يمكنك الدخول بإستخدام التالي:-
اسم المستخدم : btc
كلمة المرور : 2012

فريق العمل

تم انجاح عمل هذا الموقع بالتعاون مع الطلاب:
علي حسن أحمد : 2001 1893
عمار شاطر : 2011 5106
محمود محمد جابر : 2011 5186
وبإشراف سعادة الدكتور: صلاح مسامح.
Action Research: Extent of the teachers' use of technology in education, at home and school

Due to Ministry of Education plan for the King Hamad Schools of the Future Project, it had been given large efforts to enhance applying ICT technologies in schools. In Kingdom of Bahrain schools are equipped with these technologies in a good manner.
This research aimed to measure the extent and impact of technological tools in the teachers work and in which way they really have a powerful help hand.
The main two questions that research focus on:

To what extent ICT devices are available for educators at schools?
To what extent ICT devices are available for teachers at Home?
To what extent the teachers are using ICT devices?
To what extent school computers are equipped with the necessary programs?
This survey was conducted in 12 girls’ schools and 4 boys’ schools a total sample of 73 teachers.  From those 73 teachers 9 (12%) are male and 64 (88%) are female.
In our research we had found that there is a gap between the availability of the technologies and the ability of the teachers to use it in spite of the insisting to encourage teachers to use them. We hope that our research helps who are concerned to find the solution for this gap.
At the end of the research we give recommendations and we can summarize them in these few points:
  • Increase the availability of ICT tools in schools
  • The teachers need professional development programs and giving them the opportunities and time to learn.
  •   Encourage teachers to use ICT tools.
  •   Increasing implementing ICT equipment and tools in teaching and learning process as a media and methodology.
  • The curriculum should be developed so it facilitates using the ICT devices
to download the presentation: http://uploading.com/files/42e1999c/TCDEIT523%25281%2529.pptx/
to download final research:  http://uploading.com/files/8fcm511a/final_action_research.docx/

Done By
1.       Alyaa S.Mohammed
2.       Enaam Abdulla
3.       Lamees Ahmed
4.       Masooma Yusuf
5.       Mona Javed
6.       Najma S.A.Nabi
7.       Seham Ali Moosa

Course Code: TCDE523
Semester 2/ 2011-2012