Injini Games Suite for iPad
Title of Program: Injini
Producer: Project Injini
Subject Area: General
Included Audience: Young children (3-6)
Program Description:
انجيني هو برنامج تعليمي مصمم لجهاز الآي باد للأطفال ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة. يهدف البرنامج إلى تطوير مهارات الطفل الأساسية في فهم المسبب والنتيجة، الحركة البسيطة، التذكر، التمييز بين الأشياء، تطوير المهارات البصرية، تنمية الوعي المكاني، السيطرة على الانفعالات، ترتيب الأشياء وغيرها من المهارات.
انجيني هو برنامج تعليمي مصمم لجهاز الآي باد للأطفال ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة. يهدف البرنامج إلى تطوير مهارات الطفل الأساسية في فهم المسبب والنتيجة، الحركة البسيطة، التذكر، التمييز بين الأشياء، تطوير المهارات البصرية، تنمية الوعي المكاني، السيطرة على الانفعالات، ترتيب الأشياء وغيرها من المهارات.
Injini Child Development Game Suite’s unique collection of games
provides exceptional and engaging learning experiences to young children with
developmental delays. With 9 feature games, 8 additional mini-games, 9 or more
levels for most games, and rich content within each level, Injini offers an
exciting panorama for play and a fun way to learn. Whether it’s helping a frog
catch bugs, washing dirty pigs or completing patterns and puzzles, each game
focuses on fun as the basis for engagement and the development of fundamental
Early Childhood Education concluded after a three-year study that children with special needs benefit from using computers to build social skills, communication skills and self-confidence. Research from Head Start programs emphasizes the significance of technology in offering more opportunities for children to explore, helping them transition between concrete and abstract thinking, and promoting cooperation among children.
Skills practiced:
fine motor – cause and effect understanding – spatial awareness – memory – differentiation – response inhibition – visual processing – sequencing and more
The full suite of Injini games is now available on the Apple AppStore.

DEVELOPMENTAL BENEFITS: The Balloons game practices visual discrimination, response inhibition, following simple rules and hand-eye coordination. It also uses repetition and reinforcement, which can promote the development of cognitive competence (Stipek & Byler, 1997).

DEVELOPMENTAL BENEFITS: Children spend quality time developing fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and learning about cause and effect as they take care of animals and plants on the farm. Through Farm games, children explore for themselves and acquire an understanding of concepts (Piaget, 1963) such as growth, feeding, cleaning, etc.

DEVELOPMENTAL BENEFITS: This game addresses auditory processing, visual discrimination skills and following basic instructions, which are requisites in preschool curriculum and standards. The higher levels of the game provide opportunities to sort objects into groups, which develops math skills and number awareness.


DEVELOPMENTAL BENEFITS: Fine motor movement practiced in the Injini Frog game helps to develop prewriting skills. Studies on three to six-year-olds have followed their developmental sequence from drawing and scribbling to creating legible letters at an older age. The frog game encourages scribbling and stimulates cause and effect understanding through trial and error (Piaget, 1952).
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