بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونية

الأحد، 11 مارس 2012

Math Formulary

Math Formulary


برنامج يستطيع فيه الطالب عمل القوانين الرياضية الختلفة وإخراج ما هو مناسب لحل المسألة عن طريق الرسم البياني أو شرح لطرق الحل المختلفة للبرنامج. 

اللغات الداعمة للبرنامج:
  1. الإنجلينزية 
  2. الإسبانية
  3. الألمانية
  4. الفرنسي

الجهات المستفيدة منه:
جميع طلبة مادة الرياضيات سواء في المدارس أو الجامعات


Simple access to all math formulas with the Math Formulary App!
Math Formulary covers all mathematical formulas that are usually used in the school and the university. Where necessary graphics are included to depict and explain the topic better.
The content is organized into following groups:
- Basic Arithmetic
- Algebra
- Analysis
- Geometry
- Trigonometry
- Analytical Geometry
- Logic
SD-Card Installation is supported. Bug reports related to the content and the app itself are more than welcome. Proposals for new features would be great.
This App is also available in other languages. Please search the Market for:
Spanish: Fórmulas Matemáticas
French: Formules mathématiques
German: Formelsammlung Mathematik
Some users were asking for explanation of the various permissions used and why they are needed:
Purpose: It is required by Mobclix ad exchange to access a unique identifer that some ad networks require to track impressions. There is no other usage of this permission.
Purpose: to check if the device is connected to the network in order to load ads from Mobclix ad exchange and skip them if disconnected. This permission is also only used for serving ads.

App Screenshots


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