بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونية

الاثنين، 5 مارس 2012

Educational application

Educational application
اسم البرنامج : First grade math   
الفئة المستهدفة : الحلقة الأولى
الهدف : الغرض من هذا التطبيق هو تطوير مهارات الرياضيات للطالب، من خلال التعلم والممارسات، بالإضافة إلى الاختبار الذاتي .   
المادة : الرياضيات
اللغة المستخدمة : الانجليزي
التقييم 3 \5

Item information

Version: 2.0.0
Release: October 18, 2011
File Size: 30 KB

First grade math v2  
This program is appropriate for children who start just learning mathematics, the students can learn the math concepts at the beginning,   then they will practice by guess the correct answer , at the final they can test them self by taking the quiz .
The purpose of this application is to develop the student’s math skills, by learning and practices in addition to test their self to now their weakness.   

First grade math application helps you learn math calculations (add , subtraction , divide and multiplication )  by choose one of the 3  principle (learn , practice, and test by yourself) .  
This application available only in English and It can be used only in blackberry devices.
The evaluation form :


Is the content accurate , up-to-date and relevant to local curriculum ?

Dose the screen presentation enhance learning?

Is it free from technical problem?

Is it relevant to objective ?

Does it offer different levels f learning?

Does it provide challenging activates?  

Does it provide randomisation of equation ?

Dose it keep score and allow the teacher to retrieve scores?

Does it provide opportunities feedback?   

Dose it offer different difficulty levels?

Dose it motivate through graphics and animation?

I recommend this application to the parents because it very useful and easy to use .  
Rate : 

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