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الاثنين، 19 مارس 2012

Gene Screen

البرنامج Gene Screen يعتبر وسيلة ممتعة للتعرف على كيفية توريث الصفات الوراثية المتنحية وايضا يقدم معلومات عن بعض الامراض الوراثية المتنحية وبرامج الفحص الجيني. يعتبر البرنامج لطلاب المرحلة الثانوية.

This Software is Compatible for IPhones and IPad


Gene Screen is a fun way to learn how recessive genetic traits and diseases are inherited and how certain diseases are more prevalent in different populations. Gene Screen also provides information on some recessive genetic diseases and genetic screening programs.

Gene Screen was produced by the DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor laboratory, and was developed with support from the Marcus Foundation in partnership with the Victor Center for the Prevention of Jewish Genetic Diseases, Albert Einstein Healthcare Network, Philadelphia, USA.

Software Evalution:

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