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الاثنين، 12 مارس 2012

InClass _ Reinventing going to class

وصف البرنامج
يساعد البرنامج المعلم والطالب من جميع المراحل الدراسية على:
• تنظيم الجدول الزمني الخاص به
• مشاركة الملاحظات مع الآخرين
• تنظيم الفصول الدراسية
The description

The program helps teachers and students from all academic levels to:
·        Organize your schedule
·        Share your notes
·        Ace your classes
The applications:
§  Multimedia notes  ( take photo, video, audio or text notes)
§  Tasks and courses alarms to never forget your homework
§  Badges (which let you to see how much homework you have for  this week or for the next two weeks)
§  Super smart schedule ( all your classes, all your tasks for that day, all in one place)
§  iTunes file sharing
§  Facebook integration
§  Share inClass notes file
Rate 4+

lets start to download this application on your iPhone or your iPad

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