بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونية

الأحد، 11 مارس 2012

اسم البرنامج : Kiddo
المرحله المستهدفه : 0-5 سنوات
المادة : اللغة الانجليزية  
الوصف : هو برنامج تعليمي للاطفال ، حيث يقوم بتعليمهم اسماء الكائنات الحية او الجماد بحيث تظهر صور مع عدة خيارات ثم  يتيح للطفل فرصة لاختيار الاجابة الصحيحة مع النطق بها .
الجهز المستخدم : BlackBerry

Kiddo is a must have educational tool for your little geniuses, that will keep them engaged for hours with vivid images, great animation, lively music and great on-screen interaction.
Flash cards: for ages 0-3:
        Easy to use interface.
        Loads of pictures in different categories.
        * Alphabet
        * Numbers/Counting

We recommend that you go through each section of the application with your kids once or twice. Your involvement will help them appreciate the relationships between the sounds and pictures faster.            

Activity Mode: for ages 3-5:
        Great for reinforcing what was learnt with the Flash cards.
        Easy to use interface, that encourages learning basic controls and enhances hand-eye coordination.
        * Alphabet: Guess the starting letter of objects shown.
        * Counting: Count the number objects on the screen. Spend some time to explain how to count the objects by touching on the objects and counting from one to the exact count.
This application is a great way to spend quality time with your kids. Try to spend 10 minutes on the application with them everyday and see your kids learn.

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