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السبت، 31 مارس 2012

TeacherTool One

نبذة عن البرنامج: TeacherTool هو عبارة برنامج يتركز ويبسط ويسرع العمل الإداري والتنظيمي. وهو أكثر أمانا بكثير من الكمبيوتر المحمول التقليدية، ويستفيد منه المدرسين وموظفين الادارة المدرسية.

TeacherTool is a teacher‘s gradebook, calendar, notebook and course register in your pocket, always available, always complete, always up to date.

TeacherTool saves grades and makes suggestions for end-of-term or mid-term grades. TeacherTool saves your remarks about students and presents them to you in the upcoming lesson. It remembers the date of any grade and lets you store comments along with it. TeacherTool keeps track of your students‘ absences and reminds you if they are unexcused, it knows your timetable and therefore knows where you are teaching, and adapts the startup screen accordingly, showing you all the items that could be of interest that day. TeacherTool lets you carry a course register to take notes of everything that happens during your lessons - and, finally, it knows your students in as much details as you like: their names, pictures, phone numbers, email and all other contact information that your iPhone Address Book can hold.

In brief: TeacherTool centralizes, simplifies and speeds up your administrative and organizational work. It is much safer than your traditional notebook, as with every synchronization on your Mac or Windows PC, you save an up-to-date backup copy of all your data. A lost notebook is gone forever - a backup restoration takes just a mouse click.

TeacherTool One can hold one course with up to 30 students only. 

Link to download:

Screen Shots:

Evaluation of the Program:

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